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What We Do


Sonshine Mission Groups

Sonshine Mission Group meets every 4th Thursday at 6PM. The group meets in various locations. Contact Pam Stuckey for the next meeting's location and information.


Noon Mission Group

Noon Mission Group meets every 2nd Wednesday at 12PM in the Fellowship Hall.
All ladies are welcome, a meal is provided.
Once quarterly the Noon Group meets at the Hope House at 10 am to work on our Cancer Center Project.

*Began Oct. 2nd*

Philippians led by Becky Kroll

6 p.m. in the White House

*Began Oct. 9th*

Finding God Faithful Bible study on Joseph Led by Pam Stuckey

6 p.m. in the Conference Room

*Began Oct. 16th*

 Book of John

led by Beverly Blake

6 p.m. in the White House

*Beginning Nov. 5th*

When You Pray

Led by Sarah Infinger LaPorte

 6 p.m. in the White House

Upcoming Events

Women's Ministry
January 2025
08 January
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Noon Group Meeting

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