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Men's Ministry
Our Men’s Ministry is for ALL men of varying ages. We have gatherings throughout the year to include Breakfast/Fish Fry/BBQ Dinners. Our Men’s Bible Study Group meets on Thursday nights at 6:00pm. We will be exploring different studies throughout the year. Right now we are studying the Impact Study (Iron Hill Press) and we are on the Love Session of that study. Our men enjoy fellowship with each other to include an outing every so often. FBC Men attended the Men’s Gridiron Conference in Huntsville, AL in June. Join us for our Men’s Gridiron Event at First Baptist Church on August 10. Dinner will start at 5 pm (2 shifts) and the event will conclude at 10 pm. We will have two wonderful speakers, Rick Burgess and Rich Wingo. This event will be open to the men of our community and the cost will be $20 per person. Register by clicking the link below.

Contact our Men’s Ministry Leaders:


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Men's Ministry