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Rooted Kids Ministry
Children’s Ministry is called ROOTED. We teach from the GROW Curriculum which teaches Old and New Testament lesson series throughout the year and Sundays we study from the Orange Curriculum. Our Children’s Ministry is 4 years old through 5th grade and classes are broke down by:
4-5 year olds: Mini Sounds (Preschool Handbell Choir) and Bible Study on Wednesday nights and Kids Club on Sundays
1st – 2nd grade: Rooted Bible Study and Kids Choir on Wednesdays, and Kids Club on Sundays
3rd -5th grade: Rooted Bible Study and Kids Choir on Wednesdays, and Kids Club on Sundays
Ministry Contact

Brady Lewellen

Student Minister

What We Do


ROOTED Rewards Store

We have a ROOTED Rewards Store that kids can earn Rooted Bucks to get prizes at the store.


Child Check-In

Check-in happens every Sunday and Wednesday, we have Kiosk and a check in team that will get the kids checked in, a name badge printed and a parent badge to turn in once they pick up their child. Easy and simple process and very safe procedures.



2nd-5th grade attended Summer Camp with CentriKid in at Shocco Springs Christian Camp from June 25th - 29th, 2023

In July 2024, we will be attending CentriKid at Brewton-Parker College in Mount Vernon, GA

What We're Studying on Wednesday Nights:

In the jungle, every day is an unpredictable adventure! But to safely navigate the vines, animals, and tricky terrain, we’ll need a guide to help lead us. This four-week series follows the life of Moses and his journey to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Through his story, we’ll discover how God teaches us how to lead, and learn how to follow God’s lead as God leads us to safety, and to what we need.

Upcoming Events

At Rooted Kids Ministry
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